Preliminary information

(Legal information about the insurance broker)

Address, register entries and other information

assekuranz ag
Internationale Versicherungsmakler
Headquarters: 5, rue C. M. Spoo, L-2546 Luxembourg
R. C. Luxembourg B54631 Matricule: 1996 22 054 72
VAT ID No.: LU16734929

Registre des intermédiaires d´assurances, Sociétés de Courtage:
Matricule 1996CM002

Dirigeant de société de courtage / Broker:
Heinz-Joachim Schicht 2011CP011
Markus Schon 2014CP005
Jörg Haverkamp 2021CP018

Administrateur Délégué / Board of Directors: Heinz-Joachim Schicht

Administrative Board: Stefan U. Kuehlbrey (Vorsitz), Max Kremer, Heinz-Joachim Schicht (stv. Vorsitz)

Advisory Board: Joachim Gussner, Karl Friedrich Fürst von Hohenzollern, Paul Mousel

Supervisory authority and complaints office:
Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA)
7, boulevard Royal
L- 2449 Luxembourg

Assekuranz ag Internationale Versicherungsmakler has no direct or indirect involvement in the voting rights or capital of an insurance company.

No insurance company or parent company of an insurance company has a direct or indirect involvement in the voting rights or capital of Assekuranz ag Internationale Versicherungsmakler Luxembourg.

assekuranz ag Internationale Versicherungsmakler receives brokerage fees from insurance companies for its activities, which are included in the insurance premiums.

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